Thursday, February 17, 2011

This scale Has been driving me crazy!

   Finally the scale is starting to Budge! I drive myself crazy all week long  when in my mind I know The scale wont show anything until about Wednesday Night or Thursday Morning. I weigh in  all day long all week long watching what I eat how much I eat and work twice as hard when the scale goes up and as Wednesday Approaches I push myself that much harder trying to get at least that 1-2 lb drop  that week. Every week no matter what I do the scale doesn't budge until Wednesday or Thursday so why  do this to myself I have no clue! In a way I like driving myself Nuts because it keeps me on check, and rethinking a lot of choices I do make worrying about that damn scale and what it will read the next time I hop on, but in other ways it can be a little discouraging, when a lot of the times I know the scale has only gone up because I just consumed food liquids or what ever so the weight that is reading will most likely not be there by the end of the week. I've thought about taking the damn thing out the bathroom at least until Wednesdays or Thursdays but I don't know, The thought of gaining and not knowing drives me crazier than reading the scale!

  I am hoping that this week I FINALLY break 260 and get into the 250's I don't care what number in the 250's as long as I can permanently say GOODBYE to the 260's. I have said good By to the 280's, 270's and Now its time to say sayonara to the 260's and be that much closer to my First Goal of losing 50lbs by July 4th, and Finally being Below My High school weight. I graduated weighing about 242lbs I started weighing about 205lbs  My goal by Jan1, 2012 is to reach the weight I was at the start of My Junior year  about 180 from there The weight just started going up. so heres to a Minimum of 2 Lbs this week. I will be tearing it up at the gym today and tomorrow to make up for that horrible Valentines day which I had no gym and Applebees! Yikes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know it's hard but weighing yourself so often is like torture. I weigh myself once a week on the same day at the same time. Good luck!