Monday, January 24, 2011

First Blog Award!

    I have been a little busy, and the day the award was given too me I had no time to accept it or even write a blog until last night! But nonetheless,
    Thanks to *Ro Gets Fit* for giving me the stylish Blogger award!
    If you have not checked out her blog Hop on over. Talk about Motivation, she is one of the first blogs I followed, and she is doing great when it comes to dieting and eating. Check Her out! Why?? because shes awsome! If thats not good enough, Then BECAUSE I SAID SO!


The Rules:
Post and link back to the person who awarded you this award!
Share 7 things about yourself.
Award 5 bloggers who have "Stylish" blogs.

- I Love Sports! Soccer, Track, Football, Cheerleading! All of it Not just watching but I have almost Always been actively engaged in a sport My spring season of soccer starts In a few weeks and Im excited!

- I have always been outgoing and confident up until I had my son and then I became self concious. Even when I was younger and was heavy it never seemed to stop me from being myself!

- Sleeping is the best thing ever! I would sleep all day everyday if i were able to! I could possibly be depressed Lol Just Kidding Just tired!

-I am a make up Crazed Girl

- My goal is to enlist in the Army by the time I turn 25

- I have 1 BFF in Person, and 2 people I can always COunt on in the Online world!

- My greatest revenge is succeeding and proving others wrong! I love to do that and rubbing their dirty loud mouth faces in it!

All Awsome Blogs, and always have me going back to read their next Post, I might not always comment But Im always Stalking Checking in on whats new!


MissHaneefa said...

Way to go on your first class. Looks like you are doing a great job. Thanks for checking out my blog.

Stephanie said...

Thanks so much for the award!